Aspirant Health Blog


Is your IBS driving you crazy?

Bloating, gassy, cramps, heavy, uncomfortable? One minute you can’t go to the loo and the next minute you can’t get off it? The likely cause


Natural Ways to Reduce Pain

If you regularly suffer from chronic pain, you’ll not be a stranger to popping painkillers. After all, the most common medical treatment for the pain


Which fat?

Park that notion that fat is bad. It is not. In fact, most of us aren’t eating enough of it. Fat can help you lose


Asthma is increasing!

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease – a long-term disease of the lungs. It causes your airways to get inflamed and narrow, and this makes


How to beat anxiety with food

Palpitations, a dry mouth, sweating, insomnia are just some of the unmistakable signs of anxiety. Everyone has experienced these symptoms at some point in their



Itchy, watery eyes? Constantly sneezing? Hello hayfever! Now we really know it’s spring and you’re here to stay – like an uninvited guest – for